power transformers
Arya Transfo Industrial Group manufactures a diverse range of transformers for Generator Step Up (GSU), transmission systems, medium and large power applications, including autotransformers, reactors, and phase shifters. Our products support up to 420 kV and 550 MVA for three-phase systems, and up to 300 MVA for single-phase systems.
Generator Step-Up (GSU) transformers are crucial equipment in the energy production network. They help increase the voltage from the generator to enable efficient energy transmission. Arya Transfo Industrial Group manufactures various types of GSU transformers suitable for thermal, combined cycle, ...
Arya Transfo Industrial Group possesses the capability to produce a comprehensive range of medium and large power transformers, with power ratings reaching up to 550 MVA and voltages up to 420 kV. Leveraging the expertise of our seasoned engineers, we ...
Large auto-transformers are commonly employed for interconnecting power networks with varying voltage levels, such as from 400 kV to 230 kV, and from 230 kV to 132 kV. When the voltage levels of two transformer systems are closely matched, opting ...
Reactors employed in power and industrial networks typically fall into two categories: shunt reactors and series reactors. Arya Transfo Industrial Group possesses the capability to design and manufacture both types of reactors in compliance with the latest international standards and ...
Phase-shifter transformers play a pivotal role in managing load distribution within parallel transmission networks. By effectively utilizing this equipment, the necessity for constructing new lines and power plants can be minimized. Our team is fully equipped to design and manufacture ...